At this point, I don’t know anyone who’s not ready to say goodbye to 2016. This has been a trying year, and everyone I know has been looking ahead to the future with eager anticipation.
I love love love New Year’s—as you already know, I’m super type A, I love making lists, and I almost always keep my resolutions. I’ve written about making resolutions before, so this time I’d thought I’d share what I’m doing to clear the cobwebs out at the end of 2016.
1. Wrap up old business.
Send those invoices, file away old paperwork, shred the stuff that doesn’t belong, send that email. Nothing weighs you down more than unfinished tasks.
2. Spread some Goodwill.
Or Salvation Army, or whatever. Take twenty minutes (if you’re feeling really bold, twenty minutes in each room) and fill up boxes to go out for donations (Amazon will even help you out). You’ll start the new year with less clutter and a nice tax deduction.
3. Set an intention for the new year.
I like to set a couple of bigger themes for the year (2017 will be the year of Radiance and Abundance for me!) and then lots of smaller goals that support the theme (do something nice for myself every day, complete advanced yoga teacher training, take a fabulous vacation with my husband). I think this is a good formula for actually getting these things accomplished.
4. Review your finances.
What’s the state of your credit cards? What are your income goals for the new year? Do you have enough insurance? How are your savings? What big expenses are coming up? I take a page in a notebook and jot down anything I anticipate over the next year, and decide what we’re staying away from as well. For example, since we’re going on vacation this year, we’re holding off on any home improvement projects.
5. Set yourself up for success.
For each of your new goals and intentions, spend some time thinking about what it will take to get each one accomplished. For example, if you want to eat better, read up on your intended changes, set a date, and maybe join an online support group or ask friends to help you out. If you want to work out, pick out your gym and maybe even go ahead and buy that membership. Put your spa days on the calendar. Whatever it is, make it easy to do right and hard to go wrong.
What are your tips for closing out the year, and what do you want to accomplish over the next 12 months?