I love a good sale, especially when it’s on something that my family really, really needs. So I had to pop online to share the amazing offer that’s going on for one of my favorite businesses, Cord Blood Registry.
Cord Blood Registry, or CBR, has been around for quite some time. They’re the oldest and most respected cord blood banking system around, with over 800,000 samples stored. When I had Phoenix, almost four years ago, they were really the only show in town. I had never heard of cord blood banking before, and once I understood what it was, I knew it was something I wanted to do for my newborn baby.
What CBR and companies like them do is collect a sample of cord blood (and tissue, if you choose) at delivery, to be stored for a later date. Now, best case scenario, this is a total waste of your time and money. Why do I say that? Because the illnesses that cord blood and tissues are able to treat are some pretty big baddies. I’m talking leukemia, bone marrow disease, lymphomas and blood disorders. So I genuinely hope that you never have a need for your family’s banked sample.
But if you do, and statistically speaking, someone will, I truly believe that it’s worth it to have a little peace of mind in the bank. Cord Blood Registry not only uses your storage fees to upgrade their state-of-the-art facilities, but they help fund research into how cord blood, tissue and newborn stem cells can be used to treat an even wider range of illnesses in the future. The cells are a perfect match for your newborn, but there’s a high chance that they’ll be a match for you or even one of your other children, so the whole family benefits from this vital decision.
It’s not cheap, however. Cord blood and tissue banking generally runs upwards of $2300 for the initial collection, courier service, and storage, with fees running a few hundred a year after that. So we really weren’t sure if we were going to bank the sample for baby number two. Money tends to get even tighter with subsequent kids, right?
And so that brings me to what I wanted to share with you: through the end of this month, CBR is offering a fantastic discount on their banking service. Normally, the initial fee would run you about $2800 for blood and tissue, but they’re offering to price-match one of their less-costly competitors. I was thrilled when our representative, Alessandra, told us that we’d get cord blood, tissue, and the first year of storage for $1,550. That’s nothing short of amazing, and it got even better when she told us that there would be no fees charged until after delivery. As a second-time family, I can tell you that their customer service is fantastic. They worked with me on payment options, gave me a special gift when we saw them at an event, and even sent Phoenix a first birthday gift.
Reach out to CBR at 415-530-5561 or use my link here to register (but I think you’ll need to call and ask for them to match that discount). They also have payment plans and financing options, so please—don’t get so stopped around money that you don’t even ask. It’s a lot, I know, and I hope you never, ever need it. But if one day you do, you’ll be able to sleep knowing that you did everything you could possibly do to make a difference in your child’s health and in their life. After all, that’s what parents do.
This post is not sponsored. I signed up for CBR long before I started babydroppings. I am a paranoid mama, and I will not be able to sleep at night if I don’t put things like this in place to keep my anxiety at bay. Being a CBR family has given us untold peace of mind.
That being said, if you mention me at registration, I’ll get a free year of storage for every family that banks a sample. Also, if you missed the March sale, I think mentioning me gets you an additional $200 off the plan of your choice.