Today is World Sleep Day, and there’s probably no more hot button issue for parents than sleep—how much they’re getting, how much baby is getting, and how can they get more of it. (As I’m writing this, I can hear my toddler hollering on the baby monitor. Sigh. Be right back).
Okay, so we’re smack dab in the midst of sleep training baby Phoenix. We’ve never really had any kind of routine for her before, due to our crazy lives working from home and freelancing. But after a few too many late nights, it became apparent that some regularity, especially when it comes to sleep, would be a very good thing.
We’ve always been concerned about sleep safety—even when we accidentally became cosleepers, I took great pains to make sure that the sheets were smoothed out firmly underneath us, that she couldn’t be accidentally smothered by a limb or a pillow, and that she wouldn’t overheat. That last point turned out to be the toughest. Since we couldn’t use a blanket for safety reasons, I never knew how to dress her. I didn’t want her to overheat, but I didn’t want her to be cold, either. That problem was actually compounded when she began sleep training and spending the night in her own bed. It seemed that if she wasn’t waking up sweaty, she was waking up with cold hands and toes. As a toddler, we felt more comfortable covering her with a light blanket, only to find that she’d kick it off before it could be of any use.
This is why we love the HALO SleepSack wearable blanket now. In one soft pink package, it took care of all the temperature issues. Phoenix stays nice and warm, and honestly never seems to overheat in this thing. The toddler version has footholes, and once she falls asleep I just pull them over her toes—poof! No kicking the blankets off. I can adjust the onesie that she wears underneath it to keep her warmer or cooler, depending on the undependable NYC weather. And, as a bonus, we’ve saved a bunch of money on blanket sleepers. She was just growing out of them crazy fast, and you don’t notice how many of them you need until you start doing that bath-time routine every. single. night.
Aside from the awesome SleepSack wearable blanket, I love Halo’s commitment to babies sleeping safely. In fact, HALO has launched the Safer Way to Sleep Hospital program, which provides hospitals with the tools they need to teach safe sleep to new parents. Already in 1,500 hospitals, the maternity nurses demonstrate safe sleep techniques with your baby while you’re in recovery, setting the stage for great sleep habits to continue when you go home. The program currently reaches more than half of the babies born in the United States every year.
For more sleep safety tips and to grab your own HALO SleepSack swaddle, visit here.